Have you ever thought about joining a choir or even just learning how to sing properly?
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to stand on a stage either as a soloist or as part of a choir, perform a concert and then feel the genuine applause of an appreciative audience? Perhaps, like me, you have done all that a thousand times, but dismissed the ideas as ridiculous?
Well, the fact that you have got this far and are reading this now possibly means that you are in the same place that I was in prior to February 2011 - just thinking and wondering 'what if'?
Joining a choir seems such a momentous decision to make. Surely such a move would require an already established ability to sing and to be able to read music? And there would be an audition to pass too presumably? That's what I always thought over the years and as a result never did anything about it.
Well, perhaps for some choirs you do need all these things, but to become involved with the Caroline Sharpe Singers you need little more than enthusiasm and a willingness to have a go.
So if you've ever wondered about singing and never quite taken the plunge, why not come along to a rehearsal and see how you find it? Caroline Sharpe Singers rehearse most Saturday mornings at Trinity Methodist Church on any Saturday morning at around 10.00 am. If after a week or two you find it's not for you, that's fine but one thing's for sure - you'll never know until you try!
So, please read through as much of my humble blog as you've got time to, starting at the beginning in March 2011 for the whole story! If you then have any questions about singing, joining a choir or anything at all, drop me a line by clicking on 'Comment' below any of the blog postings.
Kind regards,