Well, you wait for a concert for what seems like an age and then
two come along at once. The weekend of Friday 13th and Saturday 14th of April,
meant concerts for both Caroline
Sharpe Singers and the Loughborough
Male Voice Choir.
First things first. Friday 13th (is that really a wise date on
which to undertake a concert?) at Sileby Methodist Church, Caroline Sharpe
Singers were to give a concert in aid of church funds and a good turn out of
choir members assembled in readiness to give our all. Over the years, concert
venues become something of a blur to me but even with my sieve-like memory, I
recalled having been there before, singing a solo of On the Street Where You Live,
if I recall correctly. Actually, I could check that out by reading back through
this blog - if I could be bothered!
On this fair night, our beloved MD did state, that all songs
would be sung bereft of copies, with the exception of Greensleeves. The planned
'learning of the words' that I'd promised myself, never quite happened, so The Longest Time was again
destined to be err, less than perfect? Perhaps we tenors could at least keep
the unwanted key changes down to the minimum this time? I wouldn't bet my
mortgage on it, if indeed I had one!
One thing about this concert that does need addressing and
has already been highlighted by Caroline herself, is that of 'the art of
filing'. Now, we're not talking about putting sheets of paper in tall, grey,
three-drawer cabinets here, we are talking about filing on and off stage.
Walking on stage and then walking off stage. It's not 'rocket science' is it
(to use an over-used cliché)? CSS are not alone here. The LMVC have
had their fair share of filing nightmares in the past, but under the
determined supervision of Lyndon Gardner these days, such cock-ups seem to
be a thing of the past. But the filing of CSS on Friday, I have to say,
was utterly shambolic. So shambolic in fact, that during
this Saturday's rehearsal, Caroline gave us all her 'Idiot's Guide to
Filing' demonstration. Oh how I wish I had been fore-warned of this
so that I could have had my I-phone ready to record it for posterity. The demo
will live long in the memory of all who witnessed it. Quite hilarious! Equally
hilarious were her instant put-downs. "Caroline? Can I make a
suggestion?" "No!" says Caroline. I think we know who's boss
eh, ladies and gentlemen?
On the night, I thought we sang pretty well on the whole. Even
the dreaded Greensleeves
went pretty well. And The
Longest Time was going well too until the last verse, when I think
all of us tenors had a brain-freeze and the whole thing nearly stalled. But
hey, we finished well. And, I messed up the clapping in Jubilee. Again. This time I
missed it altogether and rather than look even more of a prat by trying to jump
in mid-way, I chose to give it a miss entirely and make it look like it was
always meant to be that way. Oh dear!
As well as CSS, the concert also featured solo spots for Katie Muller and also
her mother Yvonne Renouf.
I wish I could give a glowing report but alas, I was horribly distracted
by strange goings-on in the kitchen at the time, (about which I will not
elaborate further) and pretty much missed their performances as I teetered on
the brink of an emotional melt-down. The gals were I'm told, excellent though!
I did manage to listen to some of the flute group called Mistral Music that included some instruments that I had never seen before. I presume there were bass flutes and tenor flutes? I will shut up now as I know not what I am talking about. They made a very nice sound though. The group included the above mentioned and multi-talented, Yvonne Renouf, who seems to be in just about everything at the moment. Where does she find the time to do it all I wonder?
I did manage to listen to some of the flute group called Mistral Music that included some instruments that I had never seen before. I presume there were bass flutes and tenor flutes? I will shut up now as I know not what I am talking about. They made a very nice sound though. The group included the above mentioned and multi-talented, Yvonne Renouf, who seems to be in just about everything at the moment. Where does she find the time to do it all I wonder?
So the concert went pretty well and feedback from the audience
suggests that they enjoyed it too, raising a good sum of money in the process.
I interrupt this blog for . . . . . .
"Have you heard about all the crime that's been going on in
the multi-storey car park?
It's just wrong on so many levels!"
Brrrrrrummm, tiiisssccchhh!
Okay, now where was I?
Ah yes, about to write about last weekend's other gig on
Saturday April 14th at Quorn Community Hall, that marked my momentous return to
the Loughborough Male
Voice Choir. Recent events in the Coward/Sharpe/Gray household
have meant that I had to miss a significant number of pre-concert rehearsals
with the LMVC, meaning I was horribly under-prepared for my 'comeback gig'.
This was the last concert to feature pieces from last year's core music,
so the choir knew all the songs pretty well. Now if I had had any sense I
would've bailed out of this one and delayed my comeback until the first concert
of the new core music. Silly me. So I somehow needed to bluff my way through a
concert when not knowing some pieces at all well, and in one case, Morte Christe, not at all.
More on that later.
Considering the above scenario, I was remarkably relaxed about
it all and started to get prepared in good time. A brand new blazer was
purchased online for a mere £35 from Pegasus Menswear so all I needed to do was
affix my choir badge to said blazer with good ol' Wonderweb' (until I find the
time to get it properly sewn on!). Job done. Now to get ready. Blazer - check! White shirt - check! LMVC tie
- check! Black socks - check! Shiny black shoes - check! Grey trousers - oh, now
where are my grey trousers? Ah, here they are. No they're not, they are Ruth's.
So where are mine? Answer, nowhere to be found! Bugger! I must have chucked them at the same time that I
chucked my old worn out LMVC jacket when I took my break from the choir!
Now what the hell do I do? Can I get away with black trousers? Not a chance. I know there are some 'Fifty Shades of Grey' amongst the ranks of the LMVC but not even I could convince anyone that mine were just very dark grey!?! Could my grey jeans work? Hell no!
Should I just not turn up and plead insanity? Well, after
Chairman Higgins had made the point during last week's rehearsal
that several members who had said they were definitely attending the
previous Lambing service performance but didn't, I could hardly now do
likewise. So, nothing else for it but to do a last minute panic trip to Tesco in the desperate hope that they had some grey trousers. I had
precious little time to look and try on. Anyway, they did have some and in
what I thought were my size, so I bought them, rushed into Tesco loos, changed
into them and legged it. On my way back to the van I looked down
and realised the grey trousers were a bit on the short side. In fact I think I
looked rather like Peter Crouch (a 6' 7'' tall footballer for the uninitiated)
who had struggled to find any trousers long enough to fit him. Sigh!
On arrival I texted Ruth this embarrassing news and she and her
sister Julia asked if I was staying with the 'ankle swinger' look or wearing
them on my hips, but thus risking the 'low slung gusset' look? I opted for the
latter and think I got away with it. Just!
But what of the concert? Well, many of the songs I knew quite
well, like With a Voice
of Singing, When
the Saints Go Marching in and Gwahoddiad,
but others I knew less well, but as copies were allowed for most, they went
okay. The problem though was Morte
Christe. Most of the choir had been singing this a lot over the
last couple of years during my absence, and by long standing members for many a
moon. But for me it was completely new and was to be sung without copies. Now how
does one sing a song that you don't know at all, without copies and not
stick out like a sore thumb to the audience? Well, I knew the first couple of
lines and by listening to the rest of the choir, I found I could almost guess
the words as they were being sung. So I got through it in reasonably convincing
fashion. At least, I think so.
Another notable thing from this concert was the huge difference
in those 'Shanty Men'.
There were a few new faces included in this group of chaps and gone were the
arran sweaters. But this was without doubt the best performance by the Shanty
Men that I have seen. Each song was sung without copies as Terry Jones proudly
proclaimed. How the guys learnt all the words to one song in particular, I will
never know. Very impressive chaps!
Then there was that renowned double act of Gerry Brennan and
Michael Dukes performing some classic Flanders and Swann routines which
had the audience in stitches, especially the one about the Horn. Rather
worryingly, Gerry seems to enjoy performing that one particularly!
So it was good to be back in the thick of things after my
enforced break from the choir. There now follows a good five weeks or so to
learn some songs properly and actually be ready for the next set of concerts.
Now that would be good eh?
See y'all next time!
Cheers, Alyn.
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